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TOYOTA CH-R 升級Triple S彈簧


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NISSAN ROGUE 2.5L 2016~ 代升級Triple S 彈簧!

NISSAN ROGUE 2.5L 2016~ installed Triple S springs.

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LUXGEN U6 1.8L TURBO 2014~ 代升級Triple S 彈簧!

LUXGEN U6 1.8L TURBO 2014~ installed Triple S springs.

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Toyota Altis 11th 2014~ 代升級Triple S 彈簧!

Toyota Altis 11th 2014~ installed Triple S springs.

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Toyota VIOS 2014~ 代升級Triple S 彈簧!

Toyota VIOS 2014~ installed Triple S springs.

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LUXGEN S3 1.5L 2016~ 升級Triple S 彈簧!

LUXGEN S3 1.5L 2016~ installed Triple S springs.

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Toyota Altis 9 代升級Triple S 彈簧!

Toyota Altis MK9 installed Triple S springs.

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KIA MORNING 1.2L 2014~ install Triple S lowering spring.
KIA MORNING 1.2L 2014~升級Triple S 彈簧!


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INFINITI Q50 2.0T 2013~ installed Triple S springs.

INFINITI Q50 2.0T 2013~ 升級Triple S 彈簧。

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HONDA ODYSSEY 2015~ install Triple S lowering spring.
HONDA ODYSSEY 2015~ 升級Triple S 彈簧!


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計程車也瘋狂!三菱FORTIS計程車升級Triple S彈簧和KYB藍筒,讓計程車戰力大幅提升!



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BMW F30 320I 升級Triple S 彈簧



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BMW X6 F16 xDrive 30d 2015~ 升級Triple S 彈簧, 感謝嘉義嘉濱輪胎的分享!
BMW X6 F16 xDrive 30d 2015~ installed Triple S lowering springs.


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當Porsche Macan 95B 3.0S 遇到Triple Suspension
When Porsche Macan 95B 3.0S come across Triple S Suspension.


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Itali Auto Technic that the top & fanous supercar tuning studio,


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Toyota  ALTIS 9代 升級Triple S 彈簧
Toyota  ALTIS 9代 upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Singapore.

感謝 新營裕順店長的用心施工

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Itali Auto Technic that the top & fanous supercar tuning studio,


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Toyota VIOS install Triple S lowering spring and KYB EXCEL Shock.
Toyota VIOS 升級Triple S 彈簧和KYB 黑桶!

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FOCUS MK3 2.0 install Triple S lowering spring.
FOCUS MK3 2.0 升級Triple S 彈簧!

FOCUS MK3 2.0.png

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