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Nissan X-Trail install Triple S lowering spring.
花蓮Nissan X-Trail 升級Triple S 彈簧!


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Toyota Innova had installed Triple S lowering springs in Philippines!
菲律賓Toyota Innova 升級Triple S 彈簧。


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FOCUS MK2 1.8L 升級Triple S 彈簧
FOCUS MK2 1.8L upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Singapore.

FOCUS MK2 1.8L.jpg

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升級Triple S 彈簧+ KYB黑桶。
Ford Tierra upgrade with Triple S springs and KYB Excel G.


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MAZDA3 HATCHBACK BM 2.0 升級Triple S 彈簧
MAZDA3 HATCHBACK BM 2.0 upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Singapore.


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Triple S lowering springs on the TOYOTA NEW YARIS in China.

中國領賢 TOYOTA NEW YARIS 升級Triple S 彈簧!

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Triple S lowering springs on the Ford Fiesta in Philippines.
菲律賓Ford Fiesta升級Triple S 彈簧!


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SUBARU XV had installed Triple S spring to get driving handling.
Triple S features moderately drop and suspension enhanced to get driving safety and pleasure.
SUBARU XV 升級Triple S 彈簧來升級操控,適度降低,提升操控,讓行車更穩定,家人更安全!


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W211 E240 02~09  升級Triple S 彈簧

W211 E240 02~09upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Taiwan.

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LEXUS GS350 MK3 S190 07~11  升級Triple S 彈簧
LEXUS GS350 MK3 S190 07~11 upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Taiwan.


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Lexus GS300 JZS160/161 1998~2005 had upgraded with Triple S Lowering springs.

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TOYATA INNOVA  升級Triple S 彈簧
TOYATA INNOVAupgrade with Triple S lowering springs in Taiwan.


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搶救SUBARU LEGACY BE5 大作戰!SUBARU LEGACY BE5 98-04原本搭配Bilstein桶身和RSR彈簧,但是後面高度太低,已經藏輪,我們為車主的打造出正常車高與前低後高的前後彈簧,解決客人問題!

感謝 桃園小小輪胎 洪小小 店長的介紹與用心施工


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LEXUS IS250 GSE20 2006~2012 升級Triple S 彈簧



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LEXUS GS300 JZS160/161 1998~2005 升級Triple S彈簧



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BENZ W463 G500 V8 2006-2009 升級Triple S 彈簧,更顯低調!


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中國Hyundai Sonata YF 2010~ 索纳塔8 升級Triple S 彈簧
Hyundai Sonata YF 2010~ upgrade with Triple S lowering springs in CHINA.


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Corolla Altis MK11升級Triple S 彈簧,讓ALTIS更顯穩重!
Corolla Altis MK11 upgrade with Triple S lowering springs to add stability.

Corolla Altis MK11_01.jpg

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Honda CIVIC MK9 FB 2013~升級Triple S彈簧,適度降低,提升操控,讓行車更穩定安全。
Honda CIVIC MK9 FB install Triple S lowering springs. Triple S can have moderate drop and enhanced the handling to get driving safety.

Honda CIVIC MK9 FB 2013_01.jpg

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