Itali Auto Technic that the top & fanous supercar tuning studio,
當東瀛戰神GTR 遇到Triple Suspension
When GTR come across Triple S Suspension.
前叉原廠彈簧Original springs for front
後叉原廠彈簧Original springs for rear.
The professional Itali Auto tuner is ready to disassemble the fron shock kit.
It's a tough & hard process that you must disassemble the chairs and many cover before disassembling rear shock kit.
專業的一大力技師開始換裝上Triple S 彈簧
The professional Itali Auto tuner had start to install with Triple S springs.
前叉Triple S 彈簧順利安裝完成
The professional Itali Auto tuner had been finished the front of Triple S Springs.
後叉Triple S 彈簧也順利安裝完成
The rear of Triple S Springs also been finished.
GTR 在升級Triple S彈簧後,高度略降,外觀大大加分
GTR have a better booking after installing.
GTR升級Triple S彈簧後,懸吊系統提升15%,讓GTR在過彎時,能抑制測傾,得到更高的安全性與駕駛樂趣!
Triple S had upgraded 15% on the GTR suspension system that can retrain the oversteerl to let own get the more driving safety and pleasure.