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TOYOTA PREVIA 2.4 2012~ 升級Triple S彈簧。
TOYOTA PREVIA 2.4 upgrade with Triple S lowering springs.

TOYOTA PREVIA 2.4 _01.jpg

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Ford Kuga 2WD 2015~ install with Triple S lowering springs.

KUGA 2WD_01.png

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Luxgen U6 升級Triple S 彈簧,讓休旅車開起來更穩定,家人更安全!

Luxgen U6 install Triple S springs to upgrade suspension to make sure family's safety.

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TOYOTA CAMRY MK7 XV50 2.0 12~ install with Triple S lowering spring in Singapore.
新加坡TOYOTA CAMRY MK7 XV50 2.0 12~ 升級Triple S 彈簧


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Honda FIT GE 升級Triple S 彈簧!
Honda FIT GE have upgrade with Triple S lowering springs.

Honda FIT GE_01.jpg

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Hyundai Elantra 升級Triple S 彈簧,適度降低,底盤進化,安全無價!Hyundai Elantrahave upgraded with Triple S lowering springs and relative suspension enhanced kit to upgrade the suspension and driving safety comprehensively.

Hyundai Elantra_01.jpg

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NEW MAZDA 6 GJ 2014~ have upgrade with Triple S lowering spring to add the looking and enhanced the suspension.
Available at Fong Kim Exhaust System Pte Ltd call us for appiontment 6844 4281 or 84991570 now!

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超火!Toyota corolla Altis 11代 升級專屬Triple S短彈簧最近超熱門,Triple S短彈簧強調適度降低並提升懸吊性能,讓路感更好更扎實,同時有效抑制側傾,讓車主在高速與過彎時能更加地安全。
Top sale for Corolla Altis!Triple S lowering spring for Toyota corolla Altis MK11 Triple S lowering springs to lower the body and enhance the handling & better sense of road to get the safety. In addition, It can retr



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火紅的CX5略顯霸氣,升級Triple S 彈簧後,瞬間提升Mazda CX5的動感外表與熱血靈魂, 讓CX5從面子和裡子裡全面的升級,霸氣外露,演繹熱血! 
Red color Mazda CX5 upgrade with good looking and suspension by installing Triple S lowering springs. Triple S can let CX5 get the handling passion and enjoy the driving pleasure. 


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