目前分類:媒體報導 (9)

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Thank for the report by Option magazine.
感謝 Option 改裝車訊 5月對Triple S 的報導


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2017 GT show 正式開鑼,各大世界品牌雲集,Triple S 此次也重磅參加,希望讓更多華東地區的店家與民眾認識新世代彈簧-Triple S Suspension.
2017 GT show began Today. Triple S have participated in with many international brand. We hope there are the more China people to know about us by this participation.


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NATAC 聯盟此次和GTShow聯合認證,成為中國第一個堅決抵制「山寨」的正式展會,不讓仿冒品進入展場,由NATAC聯盟嚴查每輛展示車和展示品。這是任重道遠與必須承受之重!雖然會得罪了很多人與承擔許多的反彈力,但總要有人有勇氣當這個先行者,Triple S Suspension 以身為NATAC聯盟為榮!


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Thank for the report by  Taiwan Moton magazine.

感謝 Taiwan Moton超越車訊 10月對Triple S 的報導

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Thank for the report by SPEC R magazine.

感謝SPEC R汽車性能情報 10月對Triple S 的報導

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Thank for the report by Option magazine.

感謝 Option 改裝車訊 10月對Triple S 的報導

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Thank for the report by SPEC R magazine.
感謝 SPEC R 汽車性能情報 8月 對Triple S 的報導


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Thank for the report by Option magazine.
感謝 Option 改裝車訊 6月對Triple S 的報導


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Thank for the report by SPEC R magazine.
感謝 SPEC R 汽車性能情報 7月 對Triple S 的報導


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